2 things to do to your home after a severe storm

There are several things you should do to your home after a severe storm. Read on to learn what these things are.

1. Check the condition of the leaf guards on your gutters

After the rain and the wind subside, you should check the condition of the leaf guards on your gutter system. The reason for this is that whilst these items are made from quite durable materials, holes can form in them if they are hit with a lot of force by a heavy object.

This could easily happen during a bad storm, as a lot of heavy debris (such as rocks and loose tree branches) can become airborne when wind speeds start to pick up. If you come across a broken leaf guard during this inspection process, you should remove it and replace it with a new one as soon as you can.

If you don't do this, you will probably end up having to remove a very large blockage from your gutter system in the near future, as leaves and other debris will fall through this hole into the guttering and form an obstruction.

2. Put a large sheet of waterproof tarp over any damaged parts of your roof

Roofs often sustain damage during stormy weather. If the wind, heavy rain and airborne debris caused some of your roof tiles or panels to fall off or crack, you may have to wait a day or two for a roofer to come to your home and fix them (particularly if a lot of other homes in the local area have also sustained roof damage as a result of the storm).

During this waiting period, there is a risk that the cracks or missing components in your roof may put the rest of your home at risk of water damage (as raindrops may get into the interior of the house via these openings). For example, if moisture gets in through the roof, it could make the rooms in your home damp and mouldy. It could also cause any timber furniture or floors that it comes into contact with to rot.

To prevent this from happening, you should use a ladder to access the damaged parts of the roof and then secure a large sheet of waterproof tarp over these areas. The tarp should prevent any rainfall that occurs during the waiting period from getting into, and then damaging your home.
