Having a Better Understanding of Security Doors

A security door is a door that has been designed to offer protection or security to your property. It can be either for your home, office, business, storage space, etc. The most common materials used to make security doors are stainless steel and aluminium. Stainless steel is cheaper than aluminium; therefore, if you have a small budget, you won't compromise on anything if you go with stainless steel. Note some important things about security doors to help you make good choices.


You of course want a security door that matches your home's aesthetics. This being the case, you can choose from steel bars, steel meshes, grilles, decorative motifs, etc. As you can see, the decorations have to be made from either steel or aluminium due to their versatility and durability. Additionally, the bars and mesh have to be thick enough to prevent any burglar from breaking in.

You can also come across different finishes and colours. These help you mimic various materials, the most common being timber.

Hinges and Locks

Having a strong stainless steel or aluminium security door alone does not sum up what constitutes a completely secure door. Hinges and locks must also be enhanced to offer protection and security. For hinges, have at least three — or one that runs along the entire length of the frame. The hinges should have a fixed steel pin, which should be welded, not pressed, into the hinge leaf.

Get a strong lock, and if possible, three — one for the top, the second for the middle and the third for the bottom. This prevents a burglar from wrenching your door.

Home Security and Alarm System

A good addition to your security door is a home security system or alarm system. It further makes it difficult for burglars to try and force their way through your versatile security door.


You might not find many ready-made security doors because homes differ. What happens is that you are shown different designs, and you can choose the one you like.

Some people might already have an idea in mind, and all they require is the construction of the security door while adhering to the security features, such as thickness and materials.

Some custom security doors might be cheap, but others are expensive. This is dependent on the size, materials used, design (determines materials to be used and quantity), etc. Of course, the lesser the materials and the smaller the size, the cheaper the security door.
